

A Historic Moment

Palestine: The Road to UN Membership

A Historic Moment

The United Nations Security Council is set to discuss the question of Palestinian statehood on April 18, 2024. This is a pivotal moment in the long struggle for Palestinian self-determination.

Divided Population

The Palestinian population is divided between historic Palestine and a diaspora mainly in neighbouring Arab countries. Israel does not recognise Palestinian statehood and the current Israeli government opposes the creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank.

Obstacles to Membership

There are several obstacles to Palestine's bid for full UN membership. One is the lack of international consensus on the issue. The United States, for example, has repeatedly vetoed Security Council resolutions that would recognize Palestine as a state.

A Complex Process

The process of becoming a full UN member state is complex and time-consuming. It requires the support of two-thirds of the General Assembly and the Security Council. Palestine must also demonstrate that it is a responsible and capable state.

Hope for the Future

Despite the challenges, there is hope that Palestine will eventually become a full UN member state. The Palestinian people have a right to self-determination, and the international community has a responsibility to support them in their quest for statehood.

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